
Bloomington Wills Lawyer

When faced with the reality of death, it’s natural to shy away from thinking and talking about it. However, taking the time to consider our legacy and consulting with a Bloomington wills lawyer can help protect our wishes and see that they are upheld after we are gone.

Sandahl & Damhof has estate planning attorneys with over a combined 60 years of experience, serving people across the Twin Cities including Bloomington, Minneapolis, Edina, and Richfield. Call today at 612-448-3898 or reach out here online to set up a free consultation. 

The Benefits Of Having A Will

There are numerous benefits to having a legally binding last will and testament. Here are four prominent ones:

Avoiding Intestacy

If someone dies without a will, their assets must go through the Minnesota state intestacy process. This process follows a set formula to determine who receives what assets. If heirs cannot be found, the assets remain with the state. While the state does its best to find all possible heirs, its rigid formula, based on family lineage, excludes friendships and other relationships.

Therefore, intestacy cannot account for individuals the deceased may have wanted to include in their inheritance, or favored charities they may have wished to support. A legally sound last will and testament, drafted by an experienced lawyer can alleviate these concerns.

Share Your Legacy

Thinking about how to share all that has been accumulated over a lifetime can bring someone real joy. Whether it’s a precious family heirloom, or the ability to provide for a grandchild’s college education, a will can help a client make sure their wishes are clearly stated and fulfilled.

Contemplating mortality might be tough, but contemplating how to leave behind something meaningful can be a rewarding experience. Our experienced Bloomington wills attorneys combine deep personal compassion and strong legal competence in helping clients work through their options.

Deal With Guardianship

When parents have minor children, they can use a will to designate who should take on guardianship in the event of an unforeseen tragedy. Without this in place, the children may end up in the foster care system while courts decide who is best suited to become the guardian.

This can lead to a guardian being chosen that the parents would not have wanted. A difficult and painful situation can be avoided by specifying guardianship wishes in a last will and testament.

Choose Your Executor

Executors of a will take on a big responsibility. The legal process must be followed in probate court, and that includes finding the beneficiaries, attending to creditors, and properly distributing inheritances. This can be an especially difficult and burdensome experience, particularly when there is an emotional element, due to the person who passed possibly being close to the executor.

When writing a will, clients have the option to choose an executor that they trust to professionally manage these matters. This allows for the burden to be lifted from immediate family members at a sorrowful time.

When Should You Make A Will?

Deciding when to make a will is a crucial decision that should not be postponed. Here are the key factors to consider:

Major Life Events: Getting married, divorced, having children, or acquiring substantial assets are pivotal moments to create or update your will.

Age and Health: It’s essential to make a will while you are in good health and of sound mind, as accidents and health issues can happen at any time.

Accumulation of Assets: Once you’ve acquired significant assets, it’s time to create a will to specify how they should be distributed.

Family Dynamics: Complex family relationships or the presence of children make creating a will imperative to ensure their well-being and avoid conflicts.

Business Ownership: If you own a business, a will is crucial for planning its future and succession.

Peace of Mind: Creating a will provides peace of mind to you and your loved ones, alleviating anxiety during difficult times.

The right time to make a will is as soon as significant life events or asset accumulation occur. Don’t delay this important step, as a will ensures your wishes are honored and your loved ones are protected.

Experienced Bloomington Wills Lawyer Clients Can Count On

Here at Sandahl & Damhof, our estate planning attorneys understand the details of legitimizing a will and all the aspects that are involved.

Reach out to our Bloomington wills lawyers today at 612-448-3898 or contact us online to get started on your consultation.

Why Our Clients Choose Us

Our mission is to become an essential, trusted partner in our clients’ lives. An estate planning lawyer from our firm will achieve this by leveraging our experience, expertise, and tireless work ethic.

  • Collaborative Approach We aim to be your trusted partner. We work together with our clients to find the best solution for them and their families.
  • Individualized Guidance Our attorneys get to know you and your family to understand what options are right for you.
  • Lasting Relationships Estate planning needs change throughout every stage of your life and our team will be with you every step of the way.
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