

What are Non-Traditional Options for Long-Term Care Insurance?

Jul 11, 2022

Paying for elder care remains one of the top concerns of an aging population. While there are now ma...

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Understanding the Issues of Elder Law

Jul 08, 2022

The legal needs of many older Americans go beyond basic legal services. They are also all intertwine...

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What about House Contents when Someone Dies?

Jun 17, 2022

Probate law does not allow anyone to take items from a loved ones’ home after they die, until the...

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How Does My Inherited IRA Fit into Estate Planning?

Jun 16, 2022

The Secure Act (Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act) was signed into law on ...

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Can I Avoid Disagreements in My Family about Mom’s Caregiving?

Jun 15, 2022

According to the “Caregiving in the U.S. 2020” report by AARP and the National Alliance for Care...

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Does a Will Protect My Money and My Family?

Jun 10, 2022

If you die without a valid will, your state may keep more of your assets than if you have a will. Yo...

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How Do I Create a Trust?

Jun 09, 2022

trust fund is a legal entity you create that takes ownership of your assets and ensures that the ass...

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Is a Roth Conversion a Good Idea when the Market Is Down?

Jun 08, 2022

A stock market downturn may be a prime time for a Roth IRA conversion, reports CNBC’s recent arti...

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Should I have a Pour-Over Will?

Jun 07, 2022

A pour-over will is a type of will that’s created in conjunction with a trust. It can help facilit...

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